Getting Started...

When you haven’t done some creative writing in more than 5 years, except for writing emails and sms’s (which could hardly be called creative), its kind of hard to know where to start.

The afore mentioned 5 years of no creative writing is not due to an inability to write but due to the unavailability of time and creative processes which could be attributed to the trials of motherhood. Raising 2 children below the age of 5 can be a hair-raising experience!
Its not exactly a conducive environment to set some time apart to write or create a blog. But i have come to realize that it’s just not feasible to put on hold all the words that have been clamouring in my head to be written. So, voila!
I also realize that life will always hand me lemons and that it is up to me to either let them rot or make lemonade.

So... Lemonade it is!!!


  1. preets.. I am so happy that u started writing. so I understand u r not only good in writing but in cooking too.. the blog is a pleasing one. I like it

  2. hey! long time no hear.
    yeah i thot it's high time i did something like thiis. thanks. how r u?

  3. Congrats Gal... Am an avid food blog reader.. and i am loving it that you have started one...Way to go...Happy Blogging!!!

  4. hi, that's great, man. I couldn't do such a thing with just one baby to handle...wonder what i'll do with two. very inspiring...keep going.

  5. Thanks.. I hope you are doing well..

  6. wow....preethy. This is good stuff....happy to see u do something that interest u & gives u time for urself & at the sametime looking after ur kids....Way to go....:)
